Vacuum Formed Parts

This is a vacuum formed shipping tray for an electronic device. The tray is designed to allow safe stacking of trays full of components in a 13 in. cube box. It is formed from conductive High Impact Styrene. The mold was made of wood to prove the design then later of aluminum.

This is a cover for an electronic device. The customer had a new idea and needed a cover to make it a finished product that he could demonstrate. It was made on a wood tool is less than a week. It is formed from ABS with a hair cell finish.

Passenger Movie Screen
This is the movie screen for passengers sitting in the front row facing a bulkhead. The housing consists of 4 plastic parts. Two vacuum formed and two fabricated. The two formed pieces are painted with a texture and the other two are clear PC.

This is the left half of an antistatic gun housing. It is formed from beige textured ABS. The dark gray coating inside the part is a spray on EMI coating applied before trimming. The tool is made from wood and has made several hundred parts.

Fifteen inches in diameter and 3.5 inches high this radome has the customer logo embossed in the center when it is formed. It is made of Smooth ABS on a wood tool. Annual production is about 200 parts and would never justify injection molding. The part is painted white to protect it from UV.

Gas Chamber
Made up of five vacuum formed and six fabricated parts plus two die cut gaskets. All the plastic parts are textured black ABS. It directs toxic gases from a process chamber to an extraction blower. Tooling and first part was turned around in less than a week using wood tools and fixtures.

Track Ball Plate
Formed from ABS/PVC sheet this mounting plate is used in a computer console used in a manufacturing cell.After forming it is machined and pem studs installed. The red buttons are injection molded in beige, red, and translucent. Tool is 12 up and made of high temperature Garolite

Made up from two identical vacuum formed parts and 3 fabricated parts. This housing covers a joint in the control arms of virtual reality game. The material is .125 ABS and PVC plate. The tool is wood and was turned around in a week along with assembly fixtures.

Vacuum Forming Tool
This tool forms a packaging tray for safe shipment of an electronic sensor.

Vacuum Forming Tool
This is an aluminum tool cast from the prototype wood tool. It is a shipping tray for electronic sensors.

Vacuum Forming Tool
This tool was cast from a wood prototype tool. It is made of Glass and Urethane resin. It is a Radome 15 in. in diameter and 9 inches tall. The antenna is used in the aircraft industry.

Vacuum Forming Tool
This tool forms a commercial movie camera lens shade and matt mount. It is constructed of wood, cast glass, and machined aluminum.